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Continuous weighing management in olive oil mills


.Easy to use with friendly graphic interface

.Modular system with possibility of expansion

.Allows you to control the opening and closing of one or two hoppers, depending on the weight in each of them

.Records the weighing carried out, being associated with the respective producer

.Issues a printed document that can serve as a receipt, where it lists the values ​​registered

.Allows you to issue various types of lists/maps depending on the data collected

.The data can be separated by campaign/year

.Allows you to create the following tables: producers, health status, parishes

.Weighing records are carried out with a sequential number, recording the weighing values, the date, start and end time of the weighing time, identification of the producer, registration number, parish, health status of the product and observations

.SIPVLAGAR is a software application, designed to work integrated with weighing equipment, managing mills

.SIPVLAGAR facilitates the management of weighing movements, providing a wide range of reports for analysis of all movements

developed by aznegocios.pt